Friday, 28 January 2011

Lost in translation

People say architecture is like literature, and if so, then language is crucial.  Which makes you wonder who didn't spot the weird connotations of this development in China...

especially as its designed by a British architect, who you would expect not to be able to keep a straight face while drawing a massive phallic building, called the Kinky Tower...

it reminds me of another Chinese development, this time on a much smaller scale, that I came across drunk one night in Helsinki... funnily enough, the name of the restaurant didn't entice us in (we had a Finnish doner kebab, if memory serves).  I still have that T-shirt.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

NASA control


oh, i am very sorry.  I had a wobble a few weeks ago, and said I needed less technology.  For that, I humbly beg forgiveness.

I've just loaded up the new Wacom drawing pad to my laptop - received from my friends who clubbed together for my birthday (an exceptionally lovely bunch of people)... and I think it may well change my entire working life.  I've only just started but it is... awesome...

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Apocalyptic visions, a world in collapse... its got to be... the next year 2 project!


I can't believe I've only just been there for the first time.  Now that is one very pretentious and intimidating place... I love it.

It focussed the mind brilliantly - you may not aspire to be slapped on the back and celebrated up there in Portland Place, you may judge your own success differently, but they do set goals - judgements - ruthlessly well.  You know when you've been there what you have to do if you DO want that recognition.

Go with the flow

I feel like after the crap start to project 202, I'd finally got into my work mode by the end of the project... I'd got a handle on Illustrator, Indesign and Photoshop and had a rough idea (which still needs work).  And now, we're given a new project, and 5 months to work on it!  So plenty of time for research, a considered approach, assessing the site, letting ideas percolate naturally...

but BOOM.  Had the idea last night and been developing it in my head all day... I've still not even been to the site!  I've got an idea what its like though, but it seems wrong to be so sure of the idea without the research...

Think I've got to try and go with it though, when you feel like creative juices are flowing you can't rein it in and start back to zero... things are vibrating..,

Experimental Media movie