Friday, 30 September 2011

Olympics behind the scenes

I was lucky enough to get a behind the scenes tour of the Olympic Park with the head planner from the Olympic Delivery Authority, and a bunch of planners and reps from major sponsors (me and Joe snuck in around the back)... not quite as impressive as some of the press shots, because access and security limited everything but here are some of the views.
 Above - the power centre, turned out quite nice
 Above  - the media centre, 10 full size film studios over 1m sq ft of space. Unfortunately the elements which distinguish it from a warehouse are the cooling units for all the equipment (below) which will all be removed after the Games as it will be turned into standard office units.

 Above - Berlin, 1947

 The Pringle
 Media Centre from afar
 The centre of the site is taken up with a valley and gardens around the existing route of the River Lea
West Ham?

Olympic site official blurb

Coverage of the Olympic site - couldn't agree more about the athlete village... they seemed to be designed completely in the opposite sense of the Hopkin's architect talking about the velodrome... "its all about after the Games"... They're very unimaginative and boring.  Should have got that mad Danish bloke from BIG to do them...