Tuesday 25 January 2011


I can't believe I've only just been there for the first time.  Now that is one very pretentious and intimidating place... I love it.

It focussed the mind brilliantly - you may not aspire to be slapped on the back and celebrated up there in Portland Place, you may judge your own success differently, but they do set goals - judgements - ruthlessly well.  You know when you've been there what you have to do if you DO want that recognition.


  1. ...And so shall begin your mind-crushing obsession with achieving recognition -- a fixation with the idea of becoming a somebody in architectural circles; a compulsion get into the history books and become immortalised with your name set into the RIBA stone wall of gold-medalists; have every building of yours(whether a toilet extension or office high-rise) constructed as an epic Gesamtkunstwerk with the hope it will be listed in your lifetime. Oh, and sertaline *does not* help. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  2. i know - terrible isn't it? but can't help it. I think I might go and buy some tortoise shell glasses...
