Sunday 24 January 2010

Death of a flaneur

I'm still going on about the Augmented Reality / Face Recognition stuff... (seriously though, "Augmented Reality"?? isn't the NAME enough to scare people?)

As someone wrote about AR with Face Recognition "in a perfect world, anyone could use the application to identify anyone else..."

If that's your perfect world then please fuck right off.

This could change so much. I'm not a criminal, not a thief, mugger, embezzler, murderer (I have had a couple of speeding tickets a few years back though) and I don't intend to be. But the thing is, I could be. Imagine a world where you knew - 100% knew - that if you did something wrong, you would be caught. No possibility of escape. How BORING would life be?

But i'm not just talking about policing and surveillance... imagine if every automated shop window you walked past identified you and screamed out adverts specifically directed at you? Downloaded your Amazon/Itunes/Ebay history and yelled "Nick Humphreys! Look at my SALE!" It would drive you insane.

The city is a haven of anonymity and this will end very shortly. Being lost in a crowd is not possible anymore. Tracked, downloaded and assessed at every step on your internet profile, you will not be able to avoid being caught in the Net (ha ha) because internet transactions (i don't just mean financial, i mean everything, social etc etc) will be in everything that you do. Hiding in the dark ages of cash in your pocket and handwritten notes will not create a refuge for your anonymity, they've got your online gas bill.

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